
Michigan Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog


Government Claims Mandatory Use of Interlocks Will End Drunk Driving by 2024

Almost since the uniform adoption of the automobile in the early 20th Century, drunk driving has been a vexing problem. After World War II, as the population began to move to the suburbs and the two-car garage become standard, instances of drunk driving increased. A couple decades later, Mothers Against…


I Left the Restaurant with My Unfinished Wine, How May I Legally Drive Home in Michigan?

Provided you did not drink enough of the wine to become impaired or intoxicated, the only potential ramifications of driving home with your unfinished open bottle is that you could be charged with possessing or transporting open intoxicants in a motor vehicle. This crime is often simply called “open intox”…


Covid 19 Makes Resisting and Obstructing in Michigan DUI Cases More Likely

With the advent of the novel covid 19 virus many officers who arrest suspected Michigan DUI drivers are now worried about the contamination risks associated with a breath test. Obtaining a breath sample places an officer directly at risk for exposure because the officer must do all of the following:…

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