
Articles Posted in DUI Defense


How to Pass a Breathalyzer – MI DUI Test

There’s a secret that law enforcement don’t want you to know about breath testing. A secret so good, that once you know it, you can pass a breathalyzer test every time. As you will see, beating a breathalyzer is easy, no matter the amount of alcohol in your system. It’s…


MI DUI Penalties: 1st Offense OWVI, 2nd DUI & 3rd OWI Felony

The chart shown below provides a quick view of the various Michigan DUI penalties. A third OWI offense in your lifetime will cause a felony Michigan 3rd OWI offense, if convicted. Protect Your Right to Drive! Failing to take appropriate action within fourteen (14) days after your arrest for DUI…


What Are the Penalties for Drunk Driving in Michigan?

In a Michigan operating while intoxicated case, also called OWI/DUI, the penalties will be based on the severity and nature of the offense, and your prior record. Possible penalties include jail time, license suspension or revocation, fines, costs, community service and probation. How Much Jail Time Will I Get? A person…


Should I Refuse the Breath Test If Stopped for DUI in Michigan?

Why Does Michigan’s Law of Implied Consent Exist? The first DUI laws went in the books all the way back in the 1950s when cars where just starting to become very common. Back then, there were no breath tests, so that law enforcement tool in a DUI investigation was not…


Plea Bargaining in a Michigan Criminal Case

Michigan Criminal Defense Lawyer Explains Plea Bargaining If you are facing criminal charges, the criminal justice system seem overwhelming. It doesn’t matter if you’re facing drunk driving, drug charges, sex crimes or white collar crimes in the State of Michigan, the same system of felony criminal procedures apply. Many Michigan…


Preparing for Court When Pleading Guilty

Most of the time if you are pleading guilty it is because your lawyer has successfully engaged in plea bargaining with the prosecutor. Consequently, preparation for court when pleading guilty really begins to take place almost as soon as you first hire your lawyer. Therefore, the total preparation will take…


Proximate Causation in a Michigan Drunk Driving Causing Death Case

Michigan Drunk Driving Lawyer Explains Proximate Causation Patrick Barone, considered by many to be among the best DUI lawyers in Michigan, has indicated that a drunk driving causing death case is one of the most difficult kinds of criminal law cases to defend. The concept of proximate causation is one…

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