Jury nullification in Michigan can and does happen, which is when a jury judges the law instead of determining if a defendant is guilty of breraking that law.
Jury nullification occurs when a Michigan jury returns a verdict that is contrary to the law given them by the Judge. In a criminal case, jury nullification occurs when the jury, while believing the accused to be guilty, nevertheless return a verdict of not guilty.

Usually this happens when the jurors either don’t like the MI criminal law in question or don’t believe that the criminal law is being appropriately applied. When a jury does this they are thought to “judge” the law.

Jury Nullification Happened in Dr. Jack Kevorkian Trials

Michigam OWI lawyer Patrick Barone owns Barone Defense Fir m in Birmingham, MI. Here he discusses the age of consent (the legal age that a perron must be to have consensual relation with another human being.Your Michigan defense lawyer may ask you to obtain a character letter for court purposes.  This article explains how to format and write such a letter. You can share a link to this article with those you ask to write such letters.

While there are many suggestions here, what’s missing is a sample character letter or a form character letter.  This is because utilization of a form will cause all character letters to look substantially the same, and this defeats the whole purpose and is counter-productive.  Use of such forms is strictly discouraged.

Character Letters for Use During Plea Negotiations

By: Patrick Barone, MI Gun Lawyer and author of Michigan Gun Law Legal Books

MI Gun lawyer Patrick Barone shows you how to legally carry your firearm in your car or truck, and if you are pulled over by law enforcement, do you need to tell the officer you have a pistol in tyhe vehicle.
Michigan firearms law provides that anytime a pistol or revolver is inside a motor vehicle it is considered a concealed weapon.  See Michigan Complied Laws Sec. 750.227.  This crime is often abbreviated as “CCW” and is applicable even when the pistol is in plain sight, and therefore not literally concealed.

Does Michigan Have Recipricol Concealed Carry Priveleges With Other States?

The short and simple answer is that questions of law are for the judge to decide whereas questions of fact are for the jury to decide.  However, while technically correct, this short answer is incomplete.  Especially if you are charged with a crime like OWI Michigan.

Learn the difference betweek drunk driving and OWI Michigan.
One reason this explanation is incomplete is because it ignores the issue of jury nullification where judges are thought to be “judges of the law.” However this is a complicated and controversial topic, and beyond the scope of this article. To learn more about jury nullification, see; What is Jury Nullification and is it Lawful in Michigan?

What Is a Question of Law and Who Decides These Questions?

This page on DUI defense law in Michigan covers OWI charges for both misdemeanors and felonies. Typically, a DUI is not a felony in Michigan. However, regardless of the charge, you should seek help from the top DUI lawyers in the state.

Approximately 95% of all drunk driving convictions in Michigan are misdemeanors. A felony charge occurs on a 3rd lifetime DUI, not the 4th DUI within 10 years as in most other states. Even for a first offense OWI, it’s crucial to limit your search to an exceptionally good DUI lawyer near me.

How serious is driving while intoxicated? Being arrested for a drunk driving offense is an unexpected and often traumatic experience.

Fraud vs Embezzlement. Any embezzlement or fraud conviction would be a “crime of moral turpitude,” which can block you from obtaining a wide variety of jobs. Plus, for large amounts pilfered (e.g., from a bank account, a church, or a charitable organization), up to 20 years in prison (state or federal) and fines of over one hundred thousand dollars may be ordered to be paid by the convicted person for felony embezzlement

Define embezzlement. For any person working in a job for a business, company, church or even a charity, and who has access to checkbooks or other electronic means of siphoning off money or charging to a company credit card, all of these can be how an embezzlement defined in an indictment may read.

Types of Fraud Charges. At Barone Defense Firm, our law group is staffed and prepared to help those facing embezzlement charges and other white collar crimes, including those who were acting in a fiduciary relationship (e.g., lawyer or accountant or bookkeeper frauds).

3rd DUI Michigan lawyer Patrick Barone has experience with getting repeat DUIs reduced.
Have you ever wondered what happens if you get convicted of a Michigan 3rd DUI? 3rd Offense DUI is a potential disaster. Callers to our OWI law office want to know answers to questions like, “When will I be getting my license back after a 3rd DUI Michigan,” and “How long is license suspended for a 3rd DUI in Michigan” and even “What does DUI mean?”

What happens on your 3rd DUI? Just dealing with potentially losing your job and trying to pay higher insurance premiums is jarring to some Michiganders. Jail time is the most harrowing and worrisome 3rd DUI penalty that most clients fear. These felony crimes, however, can also result in vehicle forfeiture to the State, or license plate confiscation and immobilization of all vehicles owned by the client.

Analyzing the OWI Case Is the Starting Point to Avoid Jail Time

Even a single Michigan DUI conviction can cause great hardship. It creates a permanent public record. This can impact employment, insurance, sense of well-being, and many other things. If you want to have your DUI conviction in Michigan expunged, we have good news because expungement of drunk driving convictions has never been allowed in Michigan until recently.

The DUI expungement process is complex, and we recommend that you hire a lawyer to help you. Many of the steps required are covered in another article we wrote entitled, “Can a Michigan DUI Be Expunged.”

A lawyer is likely necessary because, unlike other misdemeanors and felonies, which will be automatically removed from criminal records, a detailed and at times cumbersome process is required to prepare your case for filing with the court. What may seem like small errors in the paperwork can result in the DUI in Michigan expungement being denied.

A Barone Defense Firm CDL lawyer knows how important a CDL license is to your livelihood.
If you hold a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) and face a drunk driving conviction in Michigan, the consequences can be severe and far-reaching. Understanding the potential impacts on your CDL is crucial for safeguarding your livelihood and planning your defense strategy.  The exact nature of these implications will depend on your prior criminal record, specifically prior OWI Michigan and other states’ convictions, as well as the nature of your current drunk driving conviction.

CDL Disqualification Periods

A conviction for OWI leads to a mandatory disqualification of your CDL. The length of disqualification depends on the nature of the offense and the timing of previous offenses:

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Even a person convicted of a first offense DUI/OWI in Michigan with no prior record faces the possibility of up to 93 days in jail, and judges in some courts are well known for putting first-time offenders in jail.  Also, repeat drunk drivers may face up to five years in prison for felony drunk driving, and where a death or serious injury occurs, the offender may be looking at 15 years or more behind bars.  Even second DUI offenders face a minimum mandatory 5-day jail sentence, while felony drunk drivers are looking at a minimum of 30 days to a year.

You Can End Up in Jail Even Before Your Michigan OUI Case Begins

DUI Michigan convictions aren’t the only reason people may face jail time. Before the case even gets underway, and while you are still presumed innocent, some courts set extremely high cash bonds that are simply out of reach for many offenders. If the bond is too high, then you stay in jail until the bond is posted. Also, in addition to the money posted, you will be ordered to comply with certain bond conditions.

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